Conflict does not confine itself to any one region or continent. We are an agile and reactive organisation open to working to resolve conflict wherever it may be. However, we will be start off by focusing in the region we are familiar with – Asia.
We are based both in Singapore and London so we are not restricted to coordinating our operations from Europe. Our Singapore base means that we are relatively close to many areas of conflict.
The advantages of having an Asian base are not only logistical. Having peace brokering services initiated from different parts of the world, by people who have different cultural backgrounds and outlooks, can bring new perspectives and fresh ideas when helping to resolve the complex problem of conflict.
Much of the work by other organisations who work in the field is something to be commended. We hope to build on their achievements in helping to realise a better tomorrow for all and by doing so help to realise the collective goal of a more peaceful world.